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Sydney Data Engineering Meetup – April Edition

By April 18, 2018April 8th, 2020Events, News

Sydney Data Engineering Meetup - April Edition


Canva have kindly invited us down to host the Sydney Data Engineering Meetup at their wonderful offices

Giselle van Dongen is a Data Scientist at Klarrio specialising in real-time data analysis, processing and visualisation. Concurrently she is a PhD researcher at Ghent University, teaching and benchmarking real-time distributed processing systems such as Spark Streaming, Flink, Kafka Streams and Storm.
Vincent Quigley has over 30 years of professional experience in telecommunications and IT technologies, management and learning and development, both professional and academic, with companies and institutions like Klarrio, Alcatel-Lucent, Cisco Systems and UTS. Building on his experience with networks, his focus now is real-time data architectures and their implementation.